Craft beer of Elba Island

The passion for beer

The craftsmanship in the art of making beer is not equivalent to the meaning of the word, but in our world "Brewer", the true meaning lies in the fact that the product is accurate in every aspect of production itself, with particular attention.

The choice of the best raw materials, and product quality are our basic principles in the art of making our beers.

Craft Beer of Elba Island

Classic Line

Elite Line

Modern Line

.... Ages and sensory moments of the past, back to the present.

The Time, The Elegance, The Taste


craftbeer Napoleon
Birra Napoleon - Napoleon Beer

Napoleon Beer

Birrificio Napoleon
Birra Napoleon - The special Craft Beer of Elba Napoleon
Craft Beer Birra Napoleon - Elba Island - Tuscany - Italy


Each with its distinctive aroma and flavor, thanks to the care and passion with which the "Master Brewers" hone their recipes, giving life and body with each beer, to make it unique and unmistakable, using the finest raw materials and the constant pursuit of refinement and originality in flavors and aromas that beer has to express, highlighting their characteristics even in the table, accompanying dishes from the simplest to the most refined, from simple snacks to more elaborate dishes of our cuisine.


Birra Napoleon - Napoleon Beer Trade Mark


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Special Packaging of Napoleon Beers

The desire to pass on an ancient tradition

Birra_Napoleon_The Autentic

The Specials Beers

Tastes and Traditions of the land of Italy

Napoleon Beer Modern Line Beer
Napoleon Beer Classic Line
Napoleon Beer Special Line beer
Napoleon Beer Elite line beers
Napoleone Beer
Emporio Napoleon special gastronomy of Italy
Craft Beer of Elba Island

Read our legend

Surely our beer with our microbrewery is one of the Many, but as "all" with a history and tradition in the art of making beer.

under costruction

 whit food

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 our legend

Special Line

Emporio Napoleon  ...not only Beer

.... The vitality and joy of time spent in the small gestures of everyday life.

The exuberance of Life, The Complicity in Events, The sincere friendship


....The refinement of the unique flavors, the marriage between the ancient traditions and the present.

The desire to carry on the past to present the art of making beer


Selected products and quality Made in Italy, are the principal conditions of Gastronomy and all brand productsEmporio Napoleon

Special and Unique bottles, produced in limited and numbered, which lie outside the standard production of our brewery, but for enthusiasts and connoisseurs of beer.





 all products

Napoleon Beer - Trade Mark



Birra Napoleon ® - c 2008 - 2012 all right reserved birra artigianale Isola d’Elba / Toscana / Italia - partita iva 01354930495 - Tel. +39 0565 918326 - web site powered by viaweb  -  Policy

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Sicuramente la nostra Birra con la nostra microbirreria è una tra le Tante, ma come “tutte” con una  storia e tradizione nell’arte di fabbricare la birra.

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